Summer Hello’s and Goodbye’s

June 9, 2017

As summer begins, we say goodbye to 7 wonderful Teen Urban Foresters from the school year. We also welcome a bright new bunch of 8 TUFs for the summer, along with 3 stellar summer interns.

A tree-tastic send-off for Teen Urban […]

Teen Urban Foresters Reflect on the Goldman Environmental Prize

May 15, 2017

This past month Canopy’s Teen Urban Foresters had the opportunity to attend the Goldman Environmental Prize, an amazing ceremony in which six people are awarded the Goldman Prize for making change to benefit their communities and those around them. The […]

Trees to Plant Now (part 2)

May 1, 2017

On April 6, 2017, Canopy staff members Michael Hawkins and Elise Willis presented at Gamble Garden about “Trees to Plant Now.” In this post, Part 2, we’ll cover the “who, where, and how” of tree planting, and offer a few […]

Trees to Plant Now (part 1)

April 17, 2017

On April 6, 2017, Canopy’s Program Director, Michael Hawkins, and Community Forester, Elise Willis, gave a “Trees to Plant Now” presentation at Gamble Garden. We are sharing portions of this presentation because this is information we want everyone to know! Keep reading if […]

Arbor Day Young Artist Exhibit

March 27, 2017

The Young Artist Exhibit is a curated tree art exhibition that was held at the Community Arbor Day Festival at Mitchell Park on March 11, 2017. Art submissions from young artists across the Mid-Peninsula were received in answer to the theme: how do trees […]

Arbor Day Festival 2017

Teen Urban Foresters: Arbor Day Fun

March 21, 2017

This post was written by Canopy’s Teen Urban Foresters (TUF). Lean more about the TUF program here. 

On what felt like the first spring day, the Community Arbor Day Festival on March 11th attracted over 750 people to Mitchell Park in Palo […]

Tree walk explores bounty of the edible urban forest

February 20, 2017

On a clear and gorgeous February morning, a group of some seventy community members gathered around the stately avocado tree in Johnson Park. Coming from Palo Alto and beyond, a love for trees, food, and horticulture is what brought everyone […]

Service, celebration, and how trees create community

February 6, 2017

Coming together around trees

Across traditions, societies, and centuries, trees have held special significance in the human imagination.

They are universal symbols, representing life, nourishment, resilience, and growth. It’s part of why trees feature so prominently in cultural traditions and celebrations around the […]

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