July 10, 2016
Canopy bids a fond farewell to Tree Care and Education Manager Natalia Schoorl
During her time at Canopy, Natalia has grown our classroom education lessons, Teen Urban Forester program, and tree care efforts into the nationally recognized and self-sustaining programs they […]
June 6, 2016
We’re so proud of our Willow Oaks Junior Foresters!
These 4th and 5th graders at Willow Oaks Elementary School in Menlo Park explored and cared for trees on their school campus all year long as part of a Canopy pilot program.
The group […]
April 4, 2016
Canopy and Kavanaugh residents team up to plant trees – and more!
On April 2nd, Canopy partnered with residents of East Palo Alto’s Kavanaugh neighborhood to undertake a multi-block urban greening effort that transformed the area with 50 new street and yard […]