Atherton Tree Committee
City of Palo Alto Urban Forest
City Trees, Redwood City
Friends of the Urban Forest, San Francisco
Magic, Stanford University
Master Gardeners Santa Clara County
Our City Forest, San José
Trees for Menlo, Menlo Park
Trees of Stanford
Urban Forest Map (San Francisco)
Alliance for Community Trees (ACT)
ACT is the only national organization solely focused on the needs of nonprofit and community organizations engaged in urban forest protection.
California ReLeaf
California ReLeaf is a statewide campaign to expand, enhance, and preserve urban and community forests — making our cities and communities more livable, improving the global environment, and connecting people to the land and to each other.
California Urban Forests Council
The purpose of the California Urban Forests Council is to serve and expand the health, viability and condition of California’s urban and community forests.
American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA)
ASCA is a professional society whose members possess a high level of accomplishment in the field of arboricultural consulting and closely related activities. ASCA members are recognized for their demonstrated ability to provide diagnostic, appraisal, evaluation, expert witness and other arboricultural consulting services to their clients.
California Oak Foundation (COF)
The California Oak Foundation is dedicated to protecting and perpetuating California’s native oak woodlands and the wildlife habitat and watershed benefits they provide.
International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)
Arboriculture On-line was developed to assist tree area professionals in developing and maintaining effective plant health care programs. Use this resource to locate Certified Arborists from all around the world.
SelectTree – A Tree Selection Guide
SelecTree is an interactive online tool designed to help you select “the right tree for the right place.” It is created and maintained by the Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.
Center For Urban Forest Research — Pacific Southwest Research Station
Part of UC Davis, the mission of the Center for Urban Forest Research is to demonstrate new ways that trees add value to communities and convert results into financial terms to stimulate more investment in trees.
University of Washington Nature Within
Features research on people’s perceptions and behaviors regarding nature in cities.
Urban Forest Ecosystem Institute
Urban forestry resources for homeowners, researchers and professionals.
i-Tree is a state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools.