By Canopy Team on March 22, 2024
Volunteers pose with the tree they planted in Cuesta Park, Mountain View.
Each year, during the second week of March, Californians are encouraged to engage with the trees in their communities by planting a tree, joining a community event, or teaching the next generation about these treasured resources.
Throughout the week of March 7-14, 2024, Canopy joined community members, volunteers, and partners to celebrate California Arbor Week and the trees that bring us joy.
Thursday, March 7 – With the partnership of the Lewis and Joan Platt Family YMCA, we hosted our 2nd annual movie night for our families and community in East Palo Alto. Amidst the laughter, “The Lorax” reminded us all of the importance of working together for the benefit of all.
On Saturday, March 9, a group of 18 local community members enjoyed a tree walk on the grounds of the Palo Alto Library and Art Center, where certified arborist David Hamilton taught participants about tree growth and health.
Saturday, March 9 – With the help of Canopy Planting Leaders, Volunteers from the Community, Young Men’s Service League (Alpine chapter), Lockheed Martin, and Paly High School, five trees were planted in under two hours in Cuesta Park in the City of Mountain View.
City of Palo Alto Mayor Greer Stone Councilmember Vicki Veenker, Councilmember Julie Lythcott-Haims, and Canopy’s Executive Director Jean-Paul Renaud planted a Red Maple in Eleanor Pardee Park in honor of our long partnership in growing the city’s urban forest. Growing up in Palo Alto, Mayor Stone remembers playing at the park and was able to locate the tree he climbed as a child!
To end a busy day of Canopy activities on March 9, we partnered with All Five School for a movie night under the stars. The more than 20 attendees received tree educational materials, such as maps of recent plantings, urban canopy coverage disparities, and information about the benefits of trees.
Since 2021 Canopy has planted 21 trees on the school’s grounds, and we’re excited to expand our partnership with All Five in Fall 2024 with more tree lessons for students, community planting days to add more trees to the campus, and the installation of a bioswale and outdoor classroom to be shared by All Five and Belle Haven Elementary School.
On Thursday, March 14, North Fair Oaks community members joined us at Hoover Community School to watch Disney’s Strange World and munch on snacks under the stars. Arlene Nuñez García — Canopy Community Forestry Coordinator for Branching Out communities, including North Fair Oaks — shared resources on the benefits of trees, such as the shade, beauty, and sense of community they provide.