By Canopy Team on April 16, 2018
On April 7, Lab Girl author Hope Jahren joined Canopy for The Wonder of Trees gala in celebration of trees and in support of our programs.
Hope Jahren
Together, we were inspired by Hope Jahren’s message to “be as a tree planted by the waters” as we learned how plants spend their day and how caring for trees can prepare us to meet the future.
As we witnessed how plants spend their days, Hope reminded us that we need trees, and trees need us. “It’s hard to be a tree in the world these days without a friend,” she said. And yet, “we must not overlook the capacity of the tree to save us.”
Thanks to Canopy supporters, we’ll continue to spark people’s curiosity about the natural world, grow and protect our local urban forests, and bring together people of all age and backgrounds to create greener, healthier, and more connected communities.
We’re deeply grateful to everyone who helps grow healthy trees and healthy communities, from volunteers and community members to civic leaders, school communities, and our grassroots partners.
Check out the Healthy Trees, Healthy Communities video shared at the gala:
See photos from the day, courtesy of Jack Owicki and Pro Bono Photo:
Special thanks to our event sponsors and table hosts, who helped make the day possible, and to everyone who gave generously to support healthy trees and healthy communities.
Anna Eshoo, U.S. Representative
Jackie Speier, U.S. Representative
Marc Berman, State Assemblymember
Jerry Hill, State Senator
Joe Simitian, Santa Clara County Supervisor
Warren Slocum, San Mateo County Supervisor
Ruben Abrica, Mayor of East Palo Alto
Liz Kniss, Mayor of Palo Alto
Peter I. Ohtaki, Mayor of Menlo Park
Lenny Siegel, Mayor of Mountain View
Prof. Nicole Ardoin, Stanford University
Cindy Blain, Executive Director of California ReLeaf
Nona Chiarello, Staff Scientist, Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve
Angela Filo, Yellow Chair Foundation
Robin M. Grossinger, San Francisco Estuary Institute
Dr. Jeff Harding, Superintendent, MVLA High School District
Nancy Hughes, California Urban Forests Council
Dana Karcher, Arbor Day Foundation
Walter Passmore, Palo Alto Urban Forester
Ayinde Rudolph, Superintendent, Mountain View Whisman School District
Jimi Scheid, Cal Fire
Janice Brody
City of Palo Alto
David and Trish Collins
Davey Tree Expert Company
Boething Treeland Farms
Marty and Judy Deggeller
Mathieu Devin and Catherine Granger
Nancy Drapking
Susan Ellis and Mark Linton
Google Ecology Program
Laurie Jarrett
Amanda J. Martin, State Farm Insurance
Sally O’Neil and Ken Bencala
Nancy Peterson
James Puls
Roger Smith and Judy Kay
West Coast Arborists
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation