Canopy’s Impact in 2015

Our 19th year brought new growth, new plans, and a renewed focus on our vision: a day when every resident of the Mid-Peninsula can walk, play, and thrive under the shade of healthy trees.

As we plant and care for trees together, we’re not only growing a vibrant urban forest; we’re investing in healthy, resilient communities where people and nature thrive.

Read what we’ve accomplished together in Canopy’s 2015 Impact Report. pdficon


Saving Water and Saving Trees During Drought

As the drought intensified this past year, the threat to urban trees became even more acute. In response, Canopy heightened its outreach efforts: advocating for smart watering policies, influencing decision-makers, educating residents, and organizing volunteers to save urban trees.

In May, Canopy helped initiate the statewide Save our Water AND our Trees campaign that sparked media attention and reached thousands of California households with the message that urban trees are well worth the water.

Locally, Canopy partnered with the City of Palo Alto to ensure thirsty public trees receive the water they need. In neighboring communities, we mobilized volunteers to water young school trees and upgrade irrigation systems.

In coming years, we’ll work to replenish lost canopy cover and plant drought-tolerant, climate-adapted trees that can survive future droughts.

Bridging the “Green Gap” in Low-Income Communities

Uriel and girls - for webUrban trees provide tangible, life-giving benefits. Today however, not everyone in our region enjoys ready access to urban nature. In 2015, Canopy continued to bridge the “green gap” experienced by low-income communities.

Building on a strong existing partnership, we expanded our work with the City of East Palo Alto, and piloted a new tree planting program designed specifically for East Palo Alto neighborhoods. The program includes multilingual education and tree care materials, and extensive outreach that engages residents in planting and stewarding new trees.

One block at a time, we’re increasing canopy cover in neighborhoods that need it most, and growing a robust urban forest that benefits the entire region.

Inspiring Young Environmental Stewards

School trees provide unique opportunities for students to explore and learn about the nature that surrounds them.

This year, we continued to grow and strengthen our youth education programs, delivering 41 hands-on, standards-based environmental science lessons to K-12 students.

We expanded our Teen Urban Forester program, employing 7 low-income high school youth through paid internships that provide job training and leadership experience. In total, we engaged nearly 1,200 youth, encouraging and empowering them to become the next generation of environmental stewards.

Impact Report Infographic-For-Web

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