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~ 100 Terminal Ave, parking lot
The chitalpa is actually a cross between the Catalpa bignonioides and Chilopsis linearis. This tree can withstand dry heat and produces azalea-like, pink flowers that bloom late spring through fall.
~ 100 Terminal Ave, parking lot
Native to eastern Australia, this species is drought-tolerant once established. In June, clusters of small, delicately-frilled white flowers appear. Bell-shaped seed capsules on short stalks that resemble eucalyptus pods ripen late in summer.
~ 100 Terminal Ave, parking lot
Among the world’s tallest species, coast redwoods can grow 3–5’ a year. In its native coastal ranges of California and Oregon, the coast redwood collects fog with its needles, which drips down and provides moisture all year long. This thirsty tree requires ample regular water and suffers in drought.
~ 100 Terminal Ave, parking lot
The ornamental pear is covered with white blossoms in the spring before leaves form and has reddish leaves in the fall. This tree is not recommended for planting as it is susceptible to fireblight.
~ 100 Terminal Ave, parking lot
Native to southern Japan and China, this evergreen tree is popular as a small shrub or tree in gardens. It produces cones whose fertile scales become purple and berry-like when mature. The yew pine is a cherished element of feng shui gardens in Hong Kong.
~ 100 Terminal Ave, next to building
Native to China, crape myrtles are strikingly beautiful small trees that grow 14–25’ high and 8–15’ wide. Deciduous trees, they have profuse and showy summer blooms, bold fall color, and extremely attractive winter bark. Naturally multi-trunked, they can also be trained into a single trunk.
~ 100 Terminal Ave, next Senior Center entrance
Endemic to the Channel Islands, this tree thrives in chaparral and oak woodland habitats. It has peeling bark and produces clusters of fluffy white flowers.
~ 100 Terminal Ave, next to building
Liquidambars have spectacular fall color, however they have become an unpopular tree because they are thirsty and drop large quantities of seed balls that have sharp spikes and are hard to walk on or cycle over.
~ 100 Terminal Ave, in school yard
Beautiful in the fall, the foliage becomes scarlet, orange, and sometimes yellow. These highly adaptable trees can tolerate lawn water or dry soil. The inedible fruit on the female tree starts out bright red and turns dark blue. In China, oil is made from its seeds and the leaf buds are boiled and eaten.
~ 100 Terminal Ave
Named for its spectacular red fall color, this deciduous oak is native to the eastern half of the U.S. The acorns of red oaks take two years to develop; the first year they are small and partially formed and in the second year they elongate and mature.
~ 1123 Del Norte Ave
Blooming on bare wood in late winter, saucer magnolias tell us spring is near. A relative of the southern magnolia, this deciduous species from Asia has large tulip-shaped flowers that vary in color from pale pink to purplish-red, with white inner petals.
~ 1115 Del Norte Ave
Here we find peach (Prunus persica), fig (Ficus carica), and citrus (Citrus sinensis, Citrus limon) trees. Shade and fruit, and so much more. Aren’t trees amazing!
~ 1107 Del Norte Ave
This ash variety was developed in Modesto, California from the Arizona ash (Fraxinus velutina), a native of the Central Valley of California. It has naturally upward sweeping branches with glossy green leaflets that turn bright yellow in the fall.
~1101 Del Norte Ave
Junipers were popular landscaping plants in the 1960s, but have fallen out of favor in recent years. With its rich green foliage and twisted branches, this tree often takes a stunning windswept form.
~ 1101 Del Nore Ave
Native to Australia and New Zealand, most species of this very large genus do well in our summer-dry climate. Isolated pockets of naturalized Eucalyptus can be found in Northern and Central California.
~ 201-205 Market Place
This medium-sized tree is distinctive in the purple-red colors it displays in fall. It is a fast-growing tree that will take on a difficult environment. However, it is susceptible to branch failure and root problems.
~ 220 Market Place
The Italian stone pine has a characteristic round top shape and upward curving limbs. They have been cultivated for at least 6,000 years for their edible seeds, which we call pine nuts.
~ 306 Market Place
Fuyu persimmon is one of the best fruit trees for ornamental use. It is a small deciduous tree with large, glossy leaves that turn color in the fall. It is very low maintenance, and the best part is the tasty fruit. Fuyu persimmons have a donut shape and are best eaten while crisp like apples.
~ 1110 Bieber Ave
These beautiful, graceful trees can be evergreen or deciduous, depending on temperature and cultivar. Chinese elms vary in shape, but usually appear with long weeping branches. The tree’s bark is “exfoliating,” which means that small patches of the bark regularly peel off as a mechanism for the tree to eliminate toxins.
~ 1120 Bieber Ave
This multi-trunked tree is native to Australia. Its true leaves are small and feathery and rarely visible. What look like leaves are called phyllodes and are flattened leaf stalks that have adapted to look like and function as leaves. They lose less water than leaves, making the tree well adapted to a dry climate.
~ 1125 Bieber Ave
This quick-growing, evergreen tree is prized for its strong wood that is used to make saddles. Its bright red berries are very showy in winter and are sold as pink peppercorns or mixed with commercial pepper that is cultivated from the fruit of a flowering vine (Piper nigrum).
~ 1450 Plumas Ave
The fig tree is grown throughout the world as an ornamental plant and for its fruit. It was one of the first cultivated edible plants in the ancient Middle East, and was later widespread in ancient Greece.
~ 1471 Plumas Ave
Native to Europe where it is often used as a livestock hedge due to its sharp spines, it can also be pruned into a small tree. Showy white flowers are attractive to bees. The red berries, which are actually pomes, can be made into jams or jellies. Fruits often remain on the branches well past leaf drop giving it a festive look.
~ 239 Terminal Ave
The familiar sight of dark green cypress columns is the essence of the Mediterranean landscape. Evergreen and drought-tolerant once established, these columnar trees can add sculptural permanence and interest to a landscape.
~ 180 Terminal Ave
An evergreen tree or perennial shrub, the pineapple guava is native to South America. The tree is widely cultivated for its fruit which matures in autumn. The fruit is rich in flavor and gives off a distinctive aroma.
~ 205 Terminal Ave
Southern magnolias are lovely in summer and early fall. Their giant creamy white flowers stand out against the dark green foliage. A very thirsty tree that is native to the southeastern U.S., it is evergreen, but its leaves die and fall off throughout the year.
~ 100 Terminal Ave
This tree is native to the Himalayas and is the national tree of Pakistan. The female flowers become barrel-shaped cones that sit on the top of the branches. The cones take a year to mature and then disintegrate while still on the branches, leaving a central spike.
~ 100 Terminal Ave
This attractive small tree has a rich history, from Athens and the ancient world, to their introduction to the California mission gardens by Father Junipero Serra. Most lush when grown in deep rich soil, it thrives in areas with hot dry summers.
~ 100 Terminal Ave
This evergreen tree is native throughout much of California. Native oaks are superbly adapted to our long summers and dry Mediterranean climate. Ideally, landscapes with native oaks should receive little to no summer irrigation.
These trees are best adapted to our climate and water availability.
These trees require frequent summer irrigation and will suffer from the drought cycle in our area.
Do not plant unless you are aware of a water source such as high water table or creek proximity.
These trees are either invasive, do not perform well or create infrastructure or other problems.